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I'm so glad you addressed this topic. Everyone always talks about energy sources, the markets and suppliers, efficiency, etc completely devoid of any economic or social context. I especially love the liberal supporters of nuclear when they bitch and moan about the 1% and the ever-growing divide between the haves and haves not who then tout nuclear power as the cure-all: THE most undemocratic, secretive, and unaccountable of all the energy industries that centralizes control, capital, and power in the fewest hands.

And let's not forget the right. Huge fans of nuclear despite it being the most blatant case of socialism and government distorting the free market by literally choosing an energy source it wants to win. This, despite the fact that nuclear has proven time and again that it cannot compete economically in any deregulated market in the US without massive government interventions in a variety of ways, like Price-Anderson.

People really need to be WAY less tribal and much more inquisitive about the things they have been told about energy generation, especially concerning the economics and limitations of nuclear energy.

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