Interesting point, it's nice to see renewables fan take a step back and criticize the metric they use the most.

The only thing that annoys me here is : why aren't you developing more your note on the limitations of LCOE applied to the different energies ? In your note you are starting to touch to one of the big problems with measuring the real cost of renewable production aaaand... Right as we get to it you brutally interrupt your note and conclude "Renewables are winning big time".

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good point, there is probably more to be said on LCOE at the asset vs portfolio / system level. I guess that's worth a piece on it's own and especially considering a p50 vs p99 case, the backup planned for and resulting costs.

I'd still say renewables are winning, defining "winning" as deployment of p50 production capacity each year

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I’m increasingly feeling that LOCE has little value in currency terms and particularly in volatile markets. We need to move away from the ‘knowing the cost of everything but the value of nothing’-basis we currently have and build a metric that factors in the really important stuff like level of damage to the environment, biosphere and atmosphere, the ability to repair that damage, reuse and recycling of materials and so forth.

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